Time is standing still for no one.

We relocated to Texas in July 2022, almost a year ago.

Adjusting, relearning, adapting, and unpacking are some of the joys of moving. We are truly blessed to be here, but it doesn’t make it easy. Many friends would comment and say: “yeah, you are living your dream”. It was never my dream to move to the States. It was always God’s plan. We only said yes.      
My dreams are limited and selfish, nothing compares to what God plans for me. The one question I get a lot when I meet new people is: “Why Texas and why Houston?”                                                              
The 8-year journey is not easy to explain in a few sentences, but once I start, I realize that God wants people to hear the whole story because it is all about Him. He is faithful and true even when we don’t see the future clear, even if we are scared, even when we know that we can fail.
With Christ, there is no loss. In Him, we have everything we need.

I have come to realize that families truly need God, children need God, and parents need God. More than ever. They need His freedom. They are shackled to their phones, to porn, to addictions, and to all that the world offers.
My prayer will remain the same. May God use my life to help set one person free. One child. That is why He died, for our freedom.

How are you doing my friend, where are you in your walk with Christ?
Are you shackled?
Is something keeping you from living to the fullest?
If so, reach out to a friend. Get help. Walk to the light.
Time is standing still for no one.
Thank you for walking with me on this journey of life and remember to share my book with friends and family.

When people are set free, heaven can be part of their lives.

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